Why Reading Aloud is Important for Kids
Reading aloud is a great way to help your child learn to read.
However, many parents need to do it more often.
In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of reading aloud with your child and give tips for making it more effective. We’ll also look at eye-opening reading-aloud statistics that will show you just how important it is!
Here are some of the reasons why reading aloud is important for your child’s development:

The importance of read alouds
Language and cognitive development
Reading aloud to children plays a significant role in stimulating their language and cognitive skills.
When children are read to, they learn new words and how to use them in context. They also develop a better understanding of grammar and syntax.
In addition, reading aloud helps children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Makes independent reading easier
Reading aloud allows children to hear how words are pronounced and see how they are spelled.
This can help them when they read independently. And when combined with an effective reading program like Children Learning Reading, your little one will be on their way to a lifetime of reading success.
Listening skills
Being read to gives children the opportunity to practice listening.
Listening is a crucial comprehension skill, and children need to be able to listen attentively to understand what they hear.
Adults reading aloud to children gives them a chance to model active listening and help them learn how to pay attention while they listen.
Vocabulary size is one of the best predictors of reading comprehension, so finding ways to increase vocabulary is vital.
One way to do this is by reading aloud to your kids, which can help expose them to words they might not otherwise encounter.
Increases fluency
Fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression.
When kids can read fluently, they can focus on comprehension instead of decoding words. This means that they’ll better understand what they’re reading. Additionally, reading aloud helps to increase fluency.
When kids hear fluent reading, they internalize the rhythms of language and learn to read those rhythms themselves.
Reading aloud is essential for kids because it helps to increase their comprehension.
When children are read to, they can process the information better and make connections that they wouldn’t have been able to make on their own.
Strengthens social skills
Reading aloud with children is beneficial in developing social, communication, and interpersonal skills.
It also strengthens relationships between parent and child, making it easier for children to develop these critical skills.
Reduces absenteeism
Reading aloud can help develop a child’s literacy skills, which can, in turn, lead to better school performance and fewer absences.
Additionally, reading aloud can provide children with a much-needed break from everyday life stresses, helping them feel more relaxed and less likely to act out or skip school.
Builds self-esteem
Reading aloud is a great way to help build confidence and self-esteem.
It allows kids to practice and perfect their reading skills and become more comfortable with public speaking. Reading aloud allows them to show off their personality and express themselves.
Statistics on Reading Aloud to Your Child
- 83% of kids love being read to daily.
- While reading aloud, both parents and children felt a special connection with one another. In fact, over 80% of both parents and children saw reading aloud as a memorable experience. This is likely because reading aloud allows for quality time between parent and child while also providing an opportunity to bond over a shared activity.
- Reading aloud for just 20 minutes every day exposes your child to 2 million words in a year. Furthermore, this simple activity improves vocabulary, listening skills, and overall school performance.
- Studies show that children who are read to frequently by a family member are almost twice as likely to excel in reading.
How to make reading aloud more fun for kids?
Choose an interesting book
When choosing a book to read aloud to kids, try to find one that will capture their attention and hold it.
A good story will keep them engaged while also teaching them new things. Look for books with bright illustrations, engaging characters, and a plot that is easy to follow.
Make a personal connection
One way to make reading aloud more enjoyable for children is to connect the story to their own lives.
Ask them questions about the characters and events in the book, and relate them back to things they have experienced themselves. This will help them feel invested in the story and better understand what they are hearing.
Act the part
Another way to add interest when reading aloud is by using different voices for each character in the story.
This will help bring the characters alive for the child and make the story more enjoyable to listen to. If you feel uncomfortable using different voices, you can still add interest by changing your tone or inflection when reading parts of the story.
Ask questions
Asking questions helps your child better understand the story and engage with it more meaningfully. It will also encourage them to ask questions and start discussions about the book.
Asking questions also allows you to gauge your child’s understanding of the story.
Read it again
Read stories repeatedly.
Each time you read it, they will be able to understand it better and connect with the characters more. Additionally, they will be able to learn new words and phrases to use in their expanding vocabulary.
Daily read-alouds are vital
Reading aloud to your children is one of the most important things you can do to help them develop strong reading skills.
Not only does reading aloud improve their language skills and broaden their vocabulary, but it also helps them learn to love reading.
So make some time in your busy schedule to cuddle up with your little ones and enjoy a good book!

Natalie is a full-time blogger and former elementary school teacher who specializes in helping parents teach their kids to read. With a qualification in Early Childhood Education, over 7 years of experience in education, and a passion for literacy, Natalie provides practical tips, activities, and resources for parents looking to support their child’s learning-to-read journey. She is the proud mom of two young readers and loves sharing her knowledge and experience with other parents. Natalie enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and exploring the great outdoors when she’s not blogging.