How to Create a Reading Routine for Your 3 Year-Old

Are you looking to establish a daily reading routine with your 3 year-old but not sure where to start?

Look no further!

Reading with young children not only helps build their language and cognitive skills but also fosters a love of learning and helps them develop a lifelong habit of reading.

In this post, we’ll provide tips and strategies for creating a successful reading routine with your 3 year-old that is both enjoyable and educational.

So grab a cozy blanket, snuggle up with your little one, and let’s get reading!

Benefits of reading for young children featured image of a 3 year old boy sitting on the sofa reading a book to his teddy

How to create a reading routine that works for your child

Welcome to the exciting world of reading with your 3 year-old!

Establishing a reading routine is essential in helping your child develop a love of books and build important literacy skills.

But, let’s be honest – trying to establish a routine with a 3 year-old can be challenging. That’s why finding a routine that works for your child’s age, interests, and attention span is important.

Here are a few tips to help you create a reading routine that’s both enjoyable and effective:


1. Make it a daily habit

Aim to read with your child at least once a day, whether it’s before bedtime, after breakfast, or any other time that works for your family.

Consistency is key!


2. Set aside dedicated reading time

Choose a time and place free from distractions, such as the living room couch or a cozy reading nook. This will help your child focus and get the most out of storytime.


3. Let your child choose the books

Encourage your child to pick out the books they want to read. This will help them feel in control and more engaged in the reading process.


4. Keep it short and sweet

Young children have short attention spans, so try to keep reading sessions to around 5-10 minutes. You can always read more than one book in a session if your child is still interested.


5. Make it interactive

Encourage your child to participate in the reading process by asking questions about the story, having them fill in words they know, and talking about the pictures.


6. Keep it fun

Reading should be an enjoyable activity, so don’t worry about getting through a whole book in one sitting. If your child loses interest or gets wiggly, it’s okay to take a break and come back to the book later.


By following these tips and finding a routine that works for your child, you can create a love of reading that will last a lifetime.

Happy reading!

Choosing age-appropriate books for your child

It’s important to choose age-appropriate books for your child when creating a reading routine. Books that are too difficult can be frustrating for your child, while books that are too easy can be boring.

So, how do you know which books are just right for your child?


One way is to look for books that are specifically marked for your child’s age group.

Many publishers provide age recommendations on the back cover or inside flap of the book. These recommendations are a good starting point, but keep in mind that every child is different and may be ready for different types of books at different ages.


Another way to choose age-appropriate books is to consider your child’s interests and capabilities.

If your child loves animals, try finding books with animals as the main characters. If your child is just starting to learn their letters, look for books with lots of repetition and simple words.


Don’t be afraid to ask your child’s teacher or librarian for recommendations. They can provide you with a list of age-appropriate books that are popular with children your child’s age.


And of course, don’t forget to have fun!

Reading should be enjoyable for both you and your child. If your child isn’t interested in a particular book, it’s okay to move on to something else. The most important thing is to create a positive association with reading and build a love of books from an early age.


So, remember to choose age-appropriate books for your child, consider their interests and capabilities, and don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations. With a little bit of effort, you can create a reading routine that works for your child and helps them develop a love of reading that will last a lifetime.


Engaging with your child during storytime

Reading time is an excellent opportunity to bond with your child and help them develop important language and cognitive skills.

Here are some tips for making storytime more engaging and interactive:


  • Ask questions: Encourage your child to think critically by asking questions about the story and the characters. For example, “What do you think will happen next?” or “Why do you think the bear was sad?”
  • Encourage your child to fill in the words: If you’re reading a familiar story, pause and let your child finish the sentence or fill in a word they know. This helps build their vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  • Talk about the pictures: Look at the illustrations together and ask your child to describe what they see or make up a story about the characters.
  • Make silly noises and use different voices: This can make reading time more fun and help your child pay attention to the story.
  • Let your child choose the books: This helps them feel more invested in the reading experience and encourages them to pay attention.

Remember, the key is to make reading time fun and enjoyable for your child. If they start to lose interest, it’s okay to stop and try again later.

Key takeaways for parents

Parents need to remember that every child is different, and what works for one child may not work for another. Experimenting and trying different routines and approaches to find what works best for your child is okay.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind as you work on creating a reading routine for your 3 year-old:


  1. Make reading time a special and enjoyable experience for your child. Choose books that your child is interested in, and try to make reading time a relaxing and bonding activity.
  2. Incorporate reading into your daily routine. Consider setting aside a specific time for reading, such as before bed or after breakfast.
  3. Choose age-appropriate books for your child. Look for books with engaging stories, colorful illustrations, and simple language that is appropriate for your child’s age and developmental level.
  4. Engage with your child during storytime. Ask questions, fill in words in stories your child knows, and talk about the pictures. This will help your child build language and cognitive skills, and make reading time a more interactive and meaningful experience.
  5. Be patient and consistent. It may take some time for your child to develop a love of reading, but with consistent exposure and positive experiences, your child will eventually come to see reading as an enjoyable and important part of their daily routine.

So go ahead and start building a reading routine with your 3 year-old today!

You’ll be amazed at the benefits it brings to your child’s language, cognitive, social, and emotional development.



In conclusion, creating a reading routine for your 3 year-old is an important step in supporting their language and cognitive development, social and emotional development, and early literacy skills.

By choosing age-appropriate books and engaging with your child during storytime, you can create a fun and meaningful experience that helps your child grow and learn.

And don’t forget to have fun with it!

As a parent, you are your child’s biggest role model, and they will follow your lead when it comes to reading. So make it a habit and enjoy bonding time with your little one.

If you’re interested in structured program to help your 3 year-old learn to read, have a look at Children Learning Reading. This research-backed program provides a step-by-step approach to teaching your child to read and includes a variety of activities and materials to make learning fun.

So don’t wait, take the first step in giving your child the gift of reading today!